What is sonews?
sonews aims to be a RCF 3977 compliant NNTP Usenet Server. It is written in Java and uses a database management system as backend (currently PostgreSQL and MySQL). sonews is highly multithreaded and uses Java's Virtual Threads to handle thousands of concurrent connections.
Some features
- NNTP (RFC 3977) Usenet news server
- Pluggable backend (PostgreSQL, MySQL, CouchDB (in development), ...)
- New commands or backends can be integrated through plugins
- Tested with over 10 000 concurrent connections on one (small) machine
- Supports push and pull peering
- Open to plugins (e.g. Mailinglist Gateway)
A demo server is currently being prepared.
sonews is Free Software licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL v3. The sources of sonews can be found at Github.
Feel free to dig through the sources, report or fix bugs (if any...) or submit issues. Every help is welcome.
You will find binary and source releases here. Ubuntu users may be interested in the sonews PPA on Launchpad with packaged releases (warning: experimental and currently unmaintained).